vineri, 8 februarie 2013

Memories of the rain

It was pouring on that cold day of spring. It started as such a nice day so I didn’t expect it to turn out that way and I didn’t have an umbrella with me. Luckily, there was a pub nearby so I rushed in to warm myself up for a little bit. The dim lights and the hushed music was inviting me to take a sit at a table in the further corner of the old, dusty pub and order a cup of hot cocoa. I looked around and everything seemed familiar. The soft tapping of the falling rain tried to remind me of something… or someone.
At that moment a young couple came in with a jacket above their heads as a shield from the spring shower. I was so drawn by the sound of the rain that I ignored them for a second. His deep cave – like voice and her shy laugh made me pay attention to them. He looked so protective over her and she was so happy that my heart skipped a beat. That’s when I realized that it was us… me and the very first guy I have loved. I closed my eyes and everything became clear. Suddenly, I was there in front of him..  I was that girl with a sweet laugh and a silly smile on her face. His long, black hair and big, dark eyes which would turn into crescent moons when he smiled, that attractive face was still fresh in my heart.
That day we were walking hand-in-hand to the cinema when the rain started and we were forced to enter the pub. His thin clothes were soaked wet because he gave me his jacket despite my protests. That’s why I fell in love with him. His polite and cheerful personality attracted me since the first time I had set my eyes on him. Everything seemed like a fairytale when he was beside me. I remember, before we left, he kissed me passionately on the lips and it was like I was floating. It was our first kiss.
Unexpectedly, I was pulled back into reality by the waitress who came to ask me about my order. That’s when I glanced at the other table and saw that the couple was no longer there and the song of the rain was no longer disturbing the jazz music that was heard from the speakers. Now I know that the memories of him will forever be engraved in my mind… 

Thank you Maya for your support !

duminică, 8 iulie 2012

Nothing's over

Te indepartezi
Esti din ce in ce mai departe
Picioarele mele nu vor sa se miste
Doar inima mea te urmareste

Eu inca nu pot sa imi explic
Tu faci un pas inapoi, la revedere
Doar pentru un moment, la revedere

Nimic nu s-a terminat (x5)
Imi spui o vraja
Nu te poti vedea cu vreun al baiat
Inca nu poti sa fii asa
Inca nu e sfarsitul
Nu ti-am dat inca drumul

Ma gandesc la tine toata ziua
Chiar daca e intuneric pentru un moment, ma plimb si te caut
Sunt adanc inchis in sentimentele mele
Ai venit si m-ai cautat cu melodia ta calda
Nu te voi uita niciodata, te voi gasi

Nimic nu s-a terminat (x5)
Imi spui o vraja
Nu te poti vedea cu vreun al baiat

Inca nu poti sa fii asa
Inca nu e sfarsitul
Nu ti-am dat inca drumul

Cand ne-am intalnit pentru prima oara tremuram
Cuvintele pe care mi le-ai zis le-am crezut ca un prost
Nu puteam dormi, ma gandeam la tine
Tina-ma in brate, chiar daca te indepartezi

Ne putem desparti, da, putem
Dar nu asa, nu asa, nu pot sa-i pun capat
Nu te poti vedea cu vreun al baiat
Inca nu poti sa fii asa
Inca nu e sfarsitul
Esti singura pt mine

miercuri, 9 mai 2012

It can never be you ...

I remember when we first met, darling.
Alone, away from the others, talking, sharing
Scarily similar interests, desires, personalities.
And as we walked together, and sat down together,
I realise it must have been then that you where buried
Deep into my soul, and my heart, and my core.

I hadn’t noticed it then, and I wish I never had.
The way my heart beats when you smile,
When your arm finds mine, when our hands interwine.
And I continued to ignore my feelings when we spoke,
And you acted like you wanted to be near me,
And I wish that I still wasn’t acquainted with the emotions.

But in my soul you obviously stayed, growing,
Stretching out, filling it, overtaking it, becoming it,
Infiltrating my conscious mind until I became insane.
Your hands touching my skin, your words soothing the hurt,
Your eyes gleaming still when we spoke,
Your essence turning into the one thing I survive on.

And we sit, and laugh, and sing to my favourite band,
Because you researched them as soon as I had mentioned them,
I can’t help but feel my heart break, and tears well.
You would have been perfect for me, my darling.
But it could never happen. You’re not like me, not in the way that matters.
And I sit and cry and I realize with sickening dread.

It can never be you…

luni, 12 martie 2012

That moment...


               Acel moment... care trebuie sa spui tu nu vrei si te lupti cu demonii tai interiori..

                                 Nu trebuie sa se termine asa! 

   Dar stii ca nu ai alta solutie si plangi, lacrimile revarsandu-se pe obrajii rumeni, obraji pe care el ti i-a mangaiat odata...mai demult... Insa acum nu mai e la fel. Impresiile sunt multe insa realitatea este alta!
                          Dar toata lumea prefera sa viseze, nu-i asa?

   Sa traiesti intr-o lume in care totul este perfect! Wow, asta da vis!

                                             Peste ceva timp...

  Bun, a trecut...totul s-a terminat...   Pe cine pacalesc eu?! Nu il voi putea uita niciodata! Oricat ma straduiesc, momentele alaturi de el imi sunt intiparite in minte ca un tatuaj oribil de care nu poti scapa.

   Incerc, ma straduiesc cat pot de mult insa puterile si vointa mea vanish into thin air cand ii vad chipul.
   Doar departarea si timpul sunt singura mea cale de scapare, desi stiu foarte bine ca voi suferi amarnic, insa durerea pe care o simt acum o sa dispara... in cele din urma... Sa speram.

   Acum imi pun un zambet larg pe fata si imi continui drumul, cu inima zdrobita insa cu speranta ca maine totul o sa fie la fel ca in zilele de inainte sa dau peste el in autobuzul aglomerat al scolii, nestiind ca acesta ne va duce pe amandoi spre un viitor cu amintiri placute dar si pline de lacrimi si suspine . . .